Wednesday, September 14, 2011

soccer game

hi so i just wanted 2 tell you about parks and reclicilation soccer it is really fun if you  were bobbling to do it next year here are some reasons why 
1. the coachs aren't hard on you 
2. they dont keep score so it isnt commpetive 
3. they offer scholarships so if you dont have enough money you could get a scholar ships 
go garcia team!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

first softball camp

so since my softball thing is over we got 3rd place! :) but since all of that is over i'm going to a softball camp by wa-hi it is pretty fun. except it doesnt get over till 8:00 so you get pretty tired and you run a lot but it helps you with a lot of stuff. but the sceduale is pretty messed up because one of the main helper girls works for the sweets so the next one is the 22 of this month but you will be tired!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

2nd softball game :)

so today we had our 2nd softball game the first one i had a hurt ankle and couldn't play but today i did and we lost by 1 point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( but it was fun i got on base every time!:) but ya and we are eletric green and we are called shock! hopefully we will win the next 1!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

softball jamboree!

so if you are planning to play softball or just reading my blog I'm going to tell you a little tradition that we have its called the jamboree and at this time we have pictures you can buy a sweatshirt hats and other stuff. this year they donuts which were delicious by the way. then we have a parade but not your common parade all the softball peoples line up together with there teams and make a huge tunnel and then the lil kids go through then all the way through the tunnel and then everyone else goes (we were at the end) then we looked at all of the banners there was some pretty weird ones examples magical purple unicorns (lil kids) pink a luscious (also lil kids) roller chicks they were pretty much all lil kids that had the weird names. then this lady talked (boring) then this actual celebrity it was so cool his name is Scott Campbell Jr. and he is on deadliest catch he actually grew up in MF and that was so cool an actual celeb so he talked. then a girl from my team sang the national anthem then the opening pitch which was a little high and the catcher missed it. then usually we would have games but they got cancelled cause of weather but it was fun they had face painting too and they usually have a jumping castle. so ya it was fun well blog u ltr!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

softball tryouts

hi people to keep you up on sports updates there was softball tryouts yesterday and of course they were fun and embarrassing anyway if you want to play Blue Mountain Girls softball (no boys allowed!!) then you need to sign up just go onto the parks and rec website and sign up there is another tryouts next Saturday!!! be careful the batting is jank!!!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011


so everyone knows that the Superbowl was yesterday! if you don't you have some mental issues! but it was Steelers V.S. Packers! but the packers wont ya i wanted them to win! and if you didn't see the halftime show then you were kinda lucky let me just say it was the Black Eyed Peas which i love but let me just say there were boxes on peoples heads. but make sure to leave me comments like if you have any traditions or who you were rooting for.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

DeSales VS. Liberty Christen

so yesterday DeSales Irish played theLiberty Christen Patriots and the Irish won :) both the JV and Varsity won!!!!!!!!!! :) but the boys lost:( and i left before they played again. soo ya it was fun!!! most games start at 6:00 so come to the next one and root foreDeSales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

past week of basketball practice

hey bloggers here's a update on my past week of basketball practice so we have done drills and drills and listen to lecures and lectures and lectures but then today we had pictures and man i have never seen so many people in the bathroom there was 2 basketball teams of 3 different classes all getting ready for pictures you couldn't even see the floor it was soooooo bad. but i lived so ill update you sometime. Blog Ali!!!!!!!!!!!!! ltr bloggers;)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

first basketball practice

hello bloggers who love sports today i had my 1st Basketball practice the 5th graders are playing with us im playing for my school. sadly for my class only 5 people tried out so that was pretty sad. all we did today was do some drills and listen to our choach talk and talk and talk so ill give a update on thursday because we have practice everyday of the week so blog you later. ;)